Drawing I

Portrait Project contd.

On Friday after visiting The Contemporary, and grabbing a bite to eat, I headed to the studio to work on my Portrait Project some more. I ended up working on the Erasure, with another friend of mine as a model: Laura Barrs. It was interesting using erasures to create an image, and I am not sure how much I truly stuck to the erasure style. But I did end up seeing as I stepped back to take a mid-way picture that she seemed to be coming out of the image. Interestingly enough I went back in with some conte and the vine charcoal and pushed it around. I definitely did not stay in proportion, and felt a little uncomfortable at first erasing the charcoal, but mid-way I began to see what my hands where working towards. I was quite pleased with the outcome, especially being in the time range of 45 minutes.

Following the 45 session with Laura, I moved on to the BLIND CONTOUR with the skeleton as my model. I found myself interestingly enough going off the page, but it ended up looking quite interesting. I enjoyed blind contour  last semester, so I was excited to have a chance to do it in the portraiture assignment. I found myself taking a lot more time in letting my eyes follow the figure, and not feeling as rushed as I had felt in the past with blind contour. I also tried to work on not only doing the outine of the skeleton but creating imaginary lines that connected the body parts.

And lastly for the day, I did the BLIND CONTOUR of myself. I set myself in front of the full length mirror in the studio. I took my time in trying to feel the contours of my face with my pencil. It came out interesting and especially like how I gave myself a set of vulumptious lips. Which is not at all in reality, but interesting all the same. (hahaha) Take a look:

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More to come this week!


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